What Homeowners Should Know About Asphalt Sealcoating Options

A few years ago, I started looking into different ways to make my yard look a lot better. I realized that our entire driveway needed to be renovated and the sidewalk needed to be fixed, so I started looking into different paving solutions. I began talking with different contractors around the area about fixing the concrete, and before I knew it, I was working with true professionals who understood what we were faced with. They took their time, did the job right, and really made our yard stand out. This blog is totally dedicated to paving to improve your home.

What Homeowners Should Know About Asphalt Sealcoating Options

30 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When you have an asphalt driveway, you may hear your asphalt contractor mention sealcoating. This is a process that should happen when the asphalt is first installed. However, it is also done periodically over the life span of the driveway to help maintain the sealcoat. There are several types of this coating available. Before you choose a standard option, consider all of these options and their benefits.  

Asphalt-Based Sealcoating

An asphalt-based sealcoat for your driveway is designed to do several things. The main focus of this type of sealcoating is to rejuvenate the asphalt. Over the years, the asphalt will start to dry out. If this is allowed to go on without preservatives and sealcoatings, the asphalt can start to crumble. If this is the problem with your driveway, you can have it repaired and then get an asphalt-based sealcoating used as preventative maintenance to help prevent the drying out effect. Depending on your environment and other needs with your driveway, you may need additional sealcoating of various types or more frequent reapplication of the asphalt-based sealcoating. 

Acrylic-Based Sealcoating

Acrylic-based sealcoating provides a preventative shield to keep out water and other damaging elements. The acrylic base is sprayed over the asphalt. As it dries, it forms a film. That film dries and hardens to provide the sealcoating layer. This layer does need to be reapplied, however, it can withstand longer than some other sealcoating options. The acrylic sealcoating offers a strong and durable coat that can prevent heavy rains and mild erosion from occurring on the asphalt surface. 

Oil-Based Sealcoating

The benefits of oil-based sealcoating are similar to the benefits of other sealcoating materials. However, there is one key thing that makes the oil-based coat stand out. As other sealcoatings dry, they may form a dull or matte finish. This is fine when you want a standard driveway finish. There are some homeowners that may want a gloss finish to add a level of attractiveness to their property. Oil-based sealcoating dries and leaves a gloss finish that is appealing to many homeowners. 

When you are ready for a driveway inspection, contact your asphalt contractor. They can inspect the current seal on the driveway and determine if a new sealcoating is necessary. They will tell you what options they have available and let you choose the sealcoating. If you have any questions regarding the sealcoating or maintaining the coating, discuss them with your contractor during the initial assessment and consultation. 

Contact a local asphalt sealcoating service to learn more. 

About Me
Paving To Improve Your Home

A few years ago, I started looking into different ways to make my yard look a lot better. I realized that our entire driveway needed to be renovated and the sidewalk needed to be fixed, so I started looking into different paving solutions. I began talking with different contractors around the area about fixing the concrete, and before I knew it, I was working with true professionals who understood what we were faced with. They took their time, did the job right, and really made our yard stand out. This blog is totally dedicated to paving to improve your home.
